Description and Features

… Out of the stomach, digestive tract extends to the small intestine of … The rectum is the terminal part of the digestive tract. you life will be enriched by all the care you will get from food supplements offer you the best in health and energy …
The digestive system is a long tube, with significant associated glands, and its processing function of the complex molecules of food substances into simple digestive system and easily usable by the organs body.
From the mouth to the anus, the digestive tract is health about eleven meters in length. Begins in the mouth and the proper digestion. health and wellness are available from whose shares index is MTEX The teeth grind the nutrients food and the secretions of the salivary glands moisten and begin its chemical decomposition. Then the food bolus crosses the pharynx, esophagus and cardiovascular system continues to reach the stomach, a muscular bag and a half liters of capacity in the normal mucosa which secretes the potent gastric juice in the stomach, food is becoming agitated in a slurry called Quim.
At the exit of the stomach, digestive tract extends to the small intestine, health supplements & nutrition about five meters long, but very folded on itself. In the first portion or duodenum receives secretions from the intestinal glands, bile and pancreatic juices. All these adults secretions contain large amounts of enzymes that degrade food and turn them into simple soluble substances.
The digestive tract continues for the large intestine, just over half of metro and long. Her portion is the final straight, ending in the anus, where it is disposed outside the indigestible remains of food. … mentioned send different juices to the first portion of the small intestine. … You can help your digestive system by drinking water and taking a diet …
Proof of sweat Who should be tested ‘Respiratory System. Digestive System … Absorption is the second most important function of the small intestine. …
… large intestine is the last part of the digestive recommended daily allowance system: the final stage of … 12 to 25 hours to complete the remaining processes of the children digestive system. immune system …

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