The educator is a professional street recently introduced in Spain and increasingly takes on boom and a presence in social intervention, motivated primarily by the progressive deterioration of the traditional institutions of socialization (school, family) and the consequent increase in situation of marginalization and maladjustment. The key features of this profession are: 1 .- There are two ways to enter the profession: A) Through the experience of working in an open environment and subsequent acquisition of qualifications they prove as an educator. B) O through the delivery of courses and subsequent training period. Also the technical preparation is available from access to college or Social Educator Social Pedagogue, but is not seen that name-and a practical training period 2 .- requires appropriate training, in addition to calling and attitudes commensurate with the role of teacher, a wide experience of daily work in a neighborhood. 3 .- Although the industry to develop mainly men, in recent years are mostly women who are prepared for this task. The ages of these professionals between 20 and 35 years.
4 .- Educators who started from the volunteer tend to become professionals, to serve either the Administration or from social institutions (foundations, NGOs). 5 .- It is a young profession that continually reinvents itself, adapting to the sociological changes. 6 .- The work is developed from a coordinated team, although the intervention itself is carried out by individual educators. 7 .- It takes knowledge of misfit psychology, sociology of marginalization and the resources which society, and how to use them.