
Update Tuesday 06 at 7.15 am Al Jazeera. Israeli troops have strengthened their military presence in the Gaza Strip in 11 th day. The air and naval bombardment on Monday left a toll of 45 dead people. Three Israeli soldiers were killed and 24 wounded in clashes near Gaza City on Monday night, said the Israeli army early on Tuesday because one of their tanks shot by mistake against their own forces. These deaths were the greatest blow that has been in Israel since the army launched their ground attack. (Redirected from Qumram)
Caves near Qumran (Hebrew”””) is a valley in the Judean Desert west coast near the Dead Sea Kibbutz Kalia (Israel). The importance of this valley (Waddy) is the presence of the ruins (quiryat) and the Qumran caves discovered in 1947 and contained a biblical and archaeological treasure trove. The site was built during or prior to the reign of John Hircano between 134 and 104 a. C. and had various stages of occupation until probably the fall of Jerusalem when Titus 70 and X Fretensis Legion destroyed the settlement of the Essenes 68.

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