The Process Of Manifestation

With this article I seek do a bit of clarity on how the law of attraction and the previous steps or Yes should be taken into account so that this law works in our favor. The first thing we must bear in mind is something that we could or that for purposes of this article we are going to call underlying thought. A underlying thought is the real thinking behind our wishes. An example of underlying thought might be the following: when a child leaves home and his mother praying for it not going to happen anything bad, what is the real thinking of the mother? The fear that something bad happens to your child while outside. The mother remains uneasy and his prayer is motivated by fear, ultimately that is what attracts, what he most fears.

If the mother had really trusted in God, simply grateful to God and know that he has nothing to fear and would even take it account, therefore their absolute trust gives for that, effectively attracting this same. We have been programmed with multiple information negative type, our subconscious mind is full of information waste that in most of the times, makes that we see only one side of events, a side of things and is usually the dark side. Our subconscious mind also has valuable information, what happens is that valuable information with the information is mixed waste and the valuable is corrupted, and this distorted information creates our mental reality, that finally, as it will be demonstrated in this article, becomes our physical reality. Our subconscious mind, with the information that it contains, provides us with the thoughts with which forms our mental reality (conscience), what we recognize as one or several ideas which may be materializables. Depending on the contents of our subconscious mind, the mental reality we can persibirse as negative, that will generate some negative images and the person expected something negative to happen. Negative feelings forming this kind of reality, are of pessimism to the equal, the actions it undertakes will be the inspired by feelings which is experiencing, whereupon, the results will ratify what your mental reality was created. If the created mental reality is positive, feelings will be hope and the actions that accompany them also, that leads to positive results.

With which can say, that our actions are only intended to ratify the reality created by the mind. Now look at her around and confirm that everything human beings created, has first been an idea in the mind of someone. Finally, the universe interprets the feelings, i.e. feelings are the way of communicating our reality to the universe and the universe responds to the reality that we have created. When our mind creates a reality, subsequently to that reality come feelings, and those feelings are vibrations, the universe gets in tune with them and responds in the same frequency, therefore said that it gives you more of the same. Until a following article. Edgar Criollo. Fairstead describes an additional similar source. Author of the path. Original author and source of the Article