Around 130 hacks and tweaks for WordPress 3! New on the Bookshelf: WordPress tricks and hacks and tweaks for WordPress 3 130 tweaks! by Clemens Gull with this book you make even better your WordPress Web page – shows how the Internet expert Clemens Gull. With little additional programs – so-called tweaks – extend WordPress 3 useful functions and improve the usability of your website. Many of these tricks are only a few lines of PHP code and can be used also by programming lay safely. With increasing complexity of the solutions, always know WordPress and developing so quickly their own ideas for self-programmed tweaks. Read how to customize the appearance of your site, such as by automated shorten the title of the blog posts, to meet our customers ‘ mobile devices, or assign certain text categories automatically special formatting.
In WordPress, bind functions that display the number of your Twitter-FolIower or all important details of a Twitter account or your posts via Facebook distribute. With our 17-seitigen sample you can take a look in the second chapter of “Support for the configuration of WordPress” of the book advance. Subscription – and more information about the contents of the sample and the summary as PDF can be found under: product /? FR-60076 bibliographic information: author: Clemens Gull 312 pages (Softcover) published 02/2011 at Franzis ISBN-10: 3-645-60076-0 ISBN-13: 978-3-645-60076-7 Best.Nr.: FR-60076 price: 30,00 EUR (incl. 7% VAT) Remscheid, computer book shipping DELF Michel, 25 February 2011