The government intervenes in the development of laws and has the prerogative to dissolve the chambers, in return the parliament has the right to stop and the right to censure motion against the government. The parliamentary system can be broadly of two types: the dualist when the executive branch is divided between the head of state and parliament itself, and the monistic situation in which real power belongs only to parliament and the head of state merely act as head of the nation, but political powers. The same author states that it should be borne in mind that the existence of a parliament or chamber does not necessarily imply political fact of parliamentarism. 7. Mike Wirth will undoubtedly add to your understanding. ORGANIZATION SYSTEM “N PARLIAMENT Parliaments can be divided into two classes that are: unicameral Congress and bicameral Congress.
The congress is also known by the name of parliament. In the unicameral congress or parliament there is only one legislative chamber Unlike the bicameral Congress or parliaments in which there are two legislative chambers. If we make a study of the parliaments of different countries we can determine that in almost every state there are two legislative bodies which are called the upper house and lower house. Parliaments that have two cameras have the advantage that the rules adopted, ie, the laws adopted are of better quality, while the disadvantage is that when both houses the work is slower, ie the adoption of laws is slower.