Elements of the

Elements of the mixed economy central project replaces a mixed economy of long-term ideological goals with the proposition that economic growth should be the focus of state policies in order to achieve and sustain development, both economically and socially. (see Samuelson condition). Is economic growth that provides fiscal resources and facilitates social altruism, making it more acceptable not only to sectors that are better off economically redistributive policies but also creating the circumstances in which both the state and not the disadvantaged need to rely on that goodwill to implement such policies. In pursuit of this, the supporters of the mixed economy recognize three principal legitimate actors: the state, individuals as such and a third sector, which can be called the community or social sector, which includes local communities, cooperatives, unions and so on.(In general, any Community action independent of both government and private companies, which in this are called NGOs or civil society). These actors are perceived, despite being interelacionados as essentially independent. This means that the act of them has their own goals and motivations and autonomous, it should not be subject to control, depending on the action or pursue the interests of other sectors. Economically general, these three actors generate three sectors of economic action: the state sector, private sector and social sector. Although some activities are more amenable to action by any of them, these sectors should not be perceived as having, in general, areas of exclusive action. For example, in the area of education can coexist both private and social actors and state. The same happens in the financial or industrial information.(see, for example, social banking, social enterprise, etc) in general outline, the areas of legitimate action of these actors look like: Private sector: those that are generally recognized under capitalism, but regulated to protect or promote social interests (eg health and safety standards at work, environmental protection, paying taxes to fund state action, etc). Social sector: generally reserved for economic activities, non-profit (meaning profit earnings paid to those who are not direct employees in a company) or social improvement (eg, Oxfam, Greenpeace, Red Cross, etc.) The state’s role is more complex: the actor has both the obligation to implement and ensure that other players respect the game and to act in certain areas both economically and in certain circumstances.The areas of legitimate state action, in this view, are those that are perceived national interest of both general social and economic convenience. For example, the state has an obligation to provide general economic stability in the economy, access to transport on an equal basis to both individuals and businesses. The same information, and finance and financial services. This leads to the creation of mechanisms to both the issue of money, control of interest rates (eg, the Central Bank and other banks or public financial institutions (see bank)) mechanisms for outreach and education (state education, libraries public, media, radios, TVs, newspapers-state.) Establishment, maintenance and provision of transport (railways, airlines, road networks) generally subsidized in order to be accessible to most citizens.In general, everything that has come to be seen as “utilities” The circumstances that legitimize or require state action are those which deny or private or communal action. This can occur either because a particular activity does not gain enough to motivate a private employer or because the levels of investment or return within the investment required is too large or too long for these sectors. Three classic examples are generally offered as an illustration of this: First, the provision of transport services (usually air or sea) to remote or isolated regions within a country. Transport due to both the distance and the quantity demanded does not usually produce an incentive for private action but it is essential to economic activity (including private) in that region. Second, the construction of Hoover Dam in the U.S. that demanded the investment of such levels of economic resources which states that without government intervention would not have been built.