Judicial Administration

The receivership is Asset Management a figure provided by the Judiciary. In some cases it is used for control and Ernst protection of the rights of a creditor in the event that has been applied to ensure finance the repayment of a loan or as security for many creditors (public and private) where Asset Management insolvency family / business, either a default or bankruptcy (all figures in Spain known funds as composition) in which interview case it is called administracion concursal
The judicial Children’s Hospital administration is not only related to the implementation of appropriations but is an instrument of legal assistance in all jurisdictions (civil, criminal, social, administrative, etc.). And is very useful in carrying box (however, judicial auction, etc.) is not the best channel to youtube ensure recovery or is uneconomical. In some cases, the debtor can choose the best alternative to the alienation of their property, though integrate your company to the total satisfaction of the claim, and avoid closing the business.
The figure of the receiver receives its authority directly from the judge (specific attributions, the subject investment of administration, duration, etc.). FOX news And University of Southern California is accountable for its action and the parties to this process (run and performer / s).

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