PR 2.0: the speech from the podium to dialogue

Juan Iramain, newly appointed General Manager of Hill and Knowlton Inc. to Argentina discussed the need to break traditional paradigms when doing PR From control to collaboration. Matthew Gonrig, an expert in public relations but not very famous wise, he said in almost prehistoric times (1997) that companies could interact with the media in three basic ways: reactive, proactive or interactive. Interactivity was a goal only for the elect, and those who managed deserved a prominent place. The job search world has changed. With Web 2.0, interactivity is almost inevitable. To put it simply, the 2.0 is a technology based on user communities that allows a range of services such as social networking, blogs, wikis and others that promote collaboration and exchange of information among users of a community or social network. There is not a transmitter that sends messages unilaterally from a different website to host the visit, but a community where no one can fully control all the information and feel entitled to your opinion and build an interpretation of the item be. Both Tyco and MCI have worked with Worked as the managing director at “Hay management consultants” Paradigm Shift 2.0 tools not only reflect a technological revolution but represent a paradigm shift. We are leaving the era of control to pass to the collaboration. From the lecture at the conference. From the speech from the podium to dialogue. From the Encyclopedia Britannica to Wikipedia. 2.0 The technology is so flexible that can be used contrary to their nature ‘that is, maintaining the paradigm of control’, and still achieve very good results: they can use blogs to talk about products and services, and create digital audio files and video ( podcast) and dissemination recruiter on the Internet, and expand the network of contacts through social networks and social media press release to integrating 2.0 tools to recruiting traditional press to allow the reporter access to additional content. That is, sending messages, checking its contents, with the flexible tools recruitment of social networking. However, once sent the message, and no owner: the user community believes, complete, correct, question, relates. The organization that sent the message must remember that, as Oscar Wilde would say, it is important to speak of one, even bien. Client and friends but also public relations can maximize technology 2.0, just embracing the new paradigm. The goal of public relations is to create the regulatory and social conditions for a business viable in the medium and long term. These issues suggest the corporation or its products or services recruiting on the public agenda, and build consensus, support, social support. And listen to what they propose other members of user communities about the company and what she offers, and take into account those contributions to make it close the link. Nothing better than being friends with the client to sell more in the short term, and to shield a business in the medium future. And nothing more appropriate than social networks for this. 2.0 Survival politicians understand that I have used the Web to its bells and before, to raise money (Obama is the icon for this). She understood the Argentine sales jobs countryside when its campaign advocacy brilliant from March 2008 and won the support of three quarters of the population in Argentina.