Financing and insurance – conscientious and forward-looking Reutlingen, may 18, 2010. Corp if you seek more information. In difficult economic times, the aspect of security is gaining importance. This shows the current market study of the SOLCOM, a company specialised in project staffing in the IT and engineering sector. SOLCOM urged around 5200 independent of IT and engineering in the latest edition of his online magazine, to give insight into how their current situation in terms of financing and credit conditions. Another subject was the topic of prevention, as well as the relationship with the State social system.
On the question after the use of loans for the financing of own activity the clear majority of 73.6 percent stated that such a possibility at all not taken into consideration. Only 5.8 percent of the respondents to finance more than 50% of your capital needs. These results indicate that a responsible handling with the own finances as well as sufficient resources to carry out the own activity. Despite the difficult situation There was not too noticeable change in the procurement process of loans banks unlikely. Higher collateral were required as 88.9 per cent of participants confirmed, nor was a change on the credit terms to notice for 80.6 percent. Security lies in your own hand many participants (82.4 percent) feel through the State social insurance system according to own statements not adequately secured. “The consequence of this is reflected in the evaluation of the issues, which also multiple answers were possible: A significant proportion of 91.6 percent called on the question what financial arrangements you age” concluding private insurance pensions, occupational – life insurance as a measure. With 74.7 percent ranked second is the acquisition of real estate, which is (45.2 percent) or savings before classic investments such as securities at the Bank (33.9 percent). That provides reasonable protection for self-employed persons from the IT-and Engineering sector is important, illustrates the result on the question after the provision in the case of illness.