Sales employees and teams to achieve excellence to accompany sales people and teams to achieve excellence”is the motto of a new and unique in this form of training (ifsm) developed by the Institute for management of the sale and to which we now for the first time can log on. The new program is the first professional systemic sales – Coaching training in German-speaking countries. Ifsm thus finally closes a gap in the education market for key players in the distribution, so executives, Branch Manager /-inside, qualified indoor and field staff, controller, staff developers, trainers, and sales representatives. In the framework of five seminar modules exactly tailored to the needs of the target group, the participants acquire sales coach”title, one in the industry long-awaited objective qualification characteristic. Also the approach of the ifsm founder and Managing Director Klaus Kissel and Uwe Reusche is exceptional. Her guiding principle every human being deserves appreciation and respect for his Uniqueness”is also in the course of training sales coach” program. capital. The total twenty days of seminar participants learn individual solutions for individual sales problems to develop. You draw up a Coachingstil which gives help to self-help unless an effective new customer acquisition in dealing with clients with a difficult job situation, or with the development of a high performance sales team.
The focus of our work is finding its own solutions”, emphasize Uwe Reusche, Klaus Kissel which bring both intensive experience in all areas of distribution. Their goal is to give the necessary tools in the hand the participants of the seminars, they need to build powerful productive sales units, in which the work of all employees is fun.