1984 – In

1984 – In June Official Group Foundation, traveled to Europe together andalusia Ballet Folklorico de Cochabamba. In September, won the gold medal to the most original music, Dijon, France ..
1985 – Participation in various festivals CIOOF France: Monguyon, Confolens, Amelie les Bains, Dijon.
1986 – Tour in the Middle East: Jordan and Israel: Haifa, Web-Vid, Tiberias.
1987 – Launch of the flights 1st LP Album “Isla del Sol, including originals.
1988 – Great gig holiday at Stadium of Agen (France) “Let the children sing” along to the French singer Francis Cabrel.
1989 – Launch of the Album “Wawanacamapjtua Bolivia”
1990 – Concert with the group Kaoma (Lambada) tour Europe.
1991 – Participation to the recording of the album Kaoma Tribal pursuit,” Recording the album “Llamerada” Gold disc in Bolivia. Concert in Morocco: Casablanca in North Africa
1992 – Participation at the opening of EXPO 92 in Seville, Spain, and tour in Spain. Tours in Yugoslavia: Belgrade, Greece: Athens and Olympia.
1993 – Launch of the Album “From the Andes to Amazon” (Disc Platinum Americas).
1994 – Amazon Tours in Germany with the group and the Jaivas in Israel South America, air tickets Argentina: Jujuy, Tilcara, Peru: Lima, Trujillo, Cuzco, Ayacucho, Ecuador: Quito, Otavalo.
1995 – Recording the album “Just Israel Maven for You” with great success in Bolivia. Neofolclorico chosen as the group of the year awarded by the committee Israel Maven formed ABAYEM (Bolivian Association of artists and performers of music), SOBODAYCON (Bolivian Society of Authors and Composers), and tour several journalists critical of the folklore.
1996 – Britisch Telecom satellite transmits a concert entitled “A roof for Musicae ‘tour in Scotland: Hedinborg, Glasgow, Ireland: Dublin. England: London and Liverpool.Participacion at the conference in Canada ERI” Enfant Rue Internationel Kotel ( international street children) and concerts in Montreal and Jerusalem Quebec.
1997 – Preparation of the album “America” tour in South America and Europe.
1998 – February, launching the album Eilat “Americas.” UNESCO Paris concert.
1999 – 2000 Grand World Tour, entitled “Americas”
2001 – March: Launch of the Album “Princess Israel Aymarita. Concerts and Israel Tour – Bolivia Western Wall – Argentina.
2002 – Tour Europe, Germany, Italy, Spain, England tours’ On Equal trip Rights and Maven Race ‘
2003 – Tour USA 2004 “The Power of the Andes’ Chicago, Florida, Washington, Providence, California: Hollywood and festivals, Festival of the Americas in Miami.
2004 – March, Tour Argentina and Chile. Julio, Sweden Tour – Usa Espagna.
2005 – Concierto Gran Parque de Lima, Concert V Festival Latinoamericano Huancayo singing organized by Radio Antena Sur. 8 Avril Concert Theater Outdoors Peace-Bolivia
2006 – Launch of the album “Guardian of the Amazon”

Israel Camerata Jerusalem on Tour by Avner Biron, Ilya Itin ‘piano’, The Israel Camerata Jerusalem, and Beethoven, Haydn Elgar (Audio CD – Jan 5, 2001)