Com Plus
PR instructor at Munster offers student on September 26 the German training day 2 is discounts. The day to draw attention in the face of declining expenditure on education and training in Germany with numerous events on the importance and the personal value of continuing education and training. As one of the leading training institutes in the areas of Public Relations, complus also committed to the German training day 2. Everyone who signs up in the week before or directly at the German training day (22-26 September 2008) 2 for a PR correspondence course with complus, receives a discount of 10% on the course fee. Call future students need to login just the keyword education day”.
In addition hosted Dr. Jochen Voss, Deputy Managing Director of complus on the training day a major event on the topic of further education is future”in Munster. . Initiators of the day of the training are the Federal Association of institutions of vocational education, the approximately 40 companies and United associations of vocational education and training, and the adult education association DVV. Numerous celebrities such as ZDF today’s journal bakes Marietta Slomka, national handball coach Heiner Brand, Jurgen Entertainer of the lip or ARD Tagesthemen supporters of the initiative are presentor Tom Buhrow. Federal President Horst Kohler is patron.