In financing the generally accepted accounting principles commercial loan Art 1o. Definition. In accordance with Article 68 of Act 43 of 1990, is meant by accounting principles or standards generally accepted in Colombia, the set of basic concepts and rules to be observed the accounting records and reports on issues and activities of persons juridicas.Apoyandose natural in them, accounting to identify, measure, classify, record, interpret, analyze, evaluate and report transactions of an sba loan economic entity, in a clear, complete and accurate. Art commercial business loans 2o. The Managing Partner of EnTrust Capital for 12 years is is a Managing Partner of EnTrust Capital scope. This Decree shall be applied by all persons unsecured loan under the law are required to keep contabilidad.Su application is also necessary for those without being required to keep accounts, attempt to enforce it as evidence. CHAPTER II OBJECTIVES and qualities of accounting information Art 3o. Basic private equity objectives. Accounting information should serve primarily to: 1. Know and demonstrate the resources finance controlled by an economic entity, the obligations they have to transfer resources to other entities, which have experienced changes such resources and the result obtained in periodo.2.