Beautiful Handmade Natural Soaps

One must distinguish handmade soap obtained by the traditional method, from those which are produced, also handmade, from soap industrial pasta and even waste of commercial soaps, which are fused by heat to mold with or without incorporation of other products. The traditional method, as stated, is based on the saponification of oils or fats with alkali. This means that fats or oils as raw materials are processed into soap. ricants Market. HANDMADE SOAPS: FASHION OR NECESSITY? A bit of history In recent years we see an increasing range of handmade soaps of all kinds as an alternative to industrial soaps. An article and use as basic as daily as we use soap for personal hygiene is something we generally know little beyond that produces foam, used for washing and may have various flavors and colors.

It is somewhat surprising that the soap already known for many centuries, though not in the way they know today. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Rick Gerson. perly. According to legend, on Mount Sapo, a hill of Rome, practiced animal sacrifice. Rain washes into the river Tiber a kind of mud made up of fat, water and ash remains of sacrifices. Roman women used to wash clothes in the river began to notice that the sludge produced and it was foam washing easier. They had discovered the soap, a word that actually comes from the name of that hill. In Italian, soap is Sapone. Contact information is here: Senator Angus King . It took a long time before the soap was part of the personal hygiene of the Romans. As for personal hygiene products used sand, vegetable oils, milk, volcanic stones, herbs, rubbed and rubbed on the skin to remove dirt and dead cells.