Demographic Variables

The resources that the World Summit for Sustainable Development has been designated as priority interest are: water, energy, housing, agriculture and biodiversity. Additional information at ECRI supports this article. Resources that have been in Johannesburg for the name (taken from their initials in English) “WEHAB agenda” learning environment “based on this understanding, and EFA and UNLD are essential to create the conditions for such learning. More precisely, it revealed the root causes constraints on sustainable development and find the values, motivation and skills necessary to overcome them (UNESCO, 2003). 2.2 Environmental Culture environmental culture of a society is defined largely by the balance between the activities with positive or negative environmental impact of its members. More information is housed here: Sam Feldman. The amount of waste produced by people, plants and animal species that grow and eat, how much noise they do, how much they love and protect the rainforest and how many times they visit a year, are all aspects of the environmental culture of a society.

All of these actions, along with beliefs, values and show respect to the environment, as well as find solutions to environmental problems are part of the surrounding culture. The lack of environmental culture, both personally and institutionally, has meant that in addition to the many local environmental problems in recent years have begun to express serious environmental problems affecting the entire planet, which is why we talk about “Environmental crisis.” Achieving this culture is increasingly important, however, the persistence of harmful behavior tells us how difficult it is to create environmental awareness in people and institutions. 2.3 Demographic Variables Demographic variables can be classified into different types: some are biological, such as sex, age or race, others such as socioeconomic classification as social class, place of origin or income, and others are cultural in nature as religion. In general, demographic variables divide people into groups and assume that they characterize a differential behavior of its members. Men, for example, in the case of sex, may have a way to behave very differently than women.