Grounds for termination

Jump to ComentariosRouges vifs / Translated Pora Manuel vitamin Talens, Manuel Talens.Rojisimos Introduction of French before the European elections of sales June 7 for a 2009 In Europe whose concept of democracy is the institutional bipartisanship all parliaments and parliament which is a supranational enlarged and corrected version of these is found in the less interesting the way a handful of militants who have decided to refuse to cooperate. French, call themselves Vifs Rouges’ something like a red red rojisimo ‘and move into the area of Paris and its environs. In general, the grounds for termination of a contract of employment can be grouped companies as follows:
Patronale eviction or dismissal without reason. The employer of its own volition, decides to terminate the employment contract, without providing further justification. In general, the cause of termination is associated with an open termination. However, in more regulated systems may be situations in which employers are allowed eviction. Typically, these are those in which workers perform duties which may be described as “exclusive confidence of the employer, such as home workers, or those that manage assets of the employer.
Resignation of the worker. The worker simply surrender to their own work. Because the employer is in stronger position than the worker does not make him the waiver requirements so as to dismissal, despite several laws which provide for a system of alerts and waiting times for the employer can find a replacement.
Own reasons for termination of the contract. The employment contract comes to an end for reasons that are peculiar, in the absence of the will of the parties for its completion. For example, the contract was nutrition agreed fixed term, and the period ended. Or was agreed to make a specific task and that task was completed. Either the company is bankrupt and dissolved. Either the worker dies, and therefore can not continue to vitamins provide services that, as we are company personal in nature.
Termination for breach of the employer or indirect dismissal. These grounds are the right of the worker to be considered dismissed when the employer commits a serious breach that makes it impossible to continue the link. These may health be such as non-payment of wages for employer contributions for deposit, recording contract, discrimination, etcetera.
Termination for breach of the employee or dismissal for cause. These grounds are the right of the employer to terminate the employment contract, dismissing the employee, should make this a serious breach that makes it impossible to continue the link. Generally, these offenses are punishable by law as a way to protect the worker. These cancer may be such as inappropriate behavior within the enterprise, theft or theft from it, sabotage on its facilities, inexcusable negligence, no competition to the workplace or not meeting the established schedules, etcetera.
Completion needs. Good health starts with made me feel amazing about myself Some laws (Chile, for example) recognize the right of the company to terminate the employment contract, due to economic considerations that have nothing to do with the work itself. For example, the acquisition of new machinery to replace a group of workers involve the products subsequent dismissal of them. This cause is by far the most controversial because it leaves the worker in a virtual helplessness, unable to question the motives that generally the company has had to dismiss him.