Instructions For Listlessly Painting – An Ironic Exercise In Loosening AquarellistInnen

Mood – not even time itself, but only read about it! Is also nice. Preparation – get you in any case the material! You could use it, and then you would have no more. Image search – formulate your image always so that you can sell it afterwards sndteuer! Good luck! – Finding a motive is difficult. So best not even to catch them! It would be pointless. – Use no photo for a template! Really great masters painted so everything purely from memory, right – Pick the best a motif that although some like it, but you at all! How about a portrait of your arch enemies Meal – times during the coffee break fast time a great work of art! Since you have time for it! – Be so perfect as in professional life and times of each dot exactly! Who cares interested in a looser brush stroke by hand – Not Enjoy the painting, but working hard! Na sicher doch! – Be careful that the colors do not run! It may look natural. – Think while painting kept at thehopefully imminent riches that have already achieved most of the other, only you do not! – Let you all the time aware that you have no talent! How do you feel really comfortable, and need not fear the result. Aftermath – Do you have zugemalt also the last white spot of your watercolor paper Finally, the paper was expensive. – Nag at your picture around! Someone will have to contradict you, if you’re lucky. – If you’ve goofed once, then never paint again! You’re messing the whole art scene! – Compare yourself with the utmost rigor with others better, especially with very famous artists! This motivates! – Be careful and show your pictures to anyone! You will discover your great art anyway after your death and honor. Last words – Download them never a Malanleitung from me down to be able to start right now! Who knows what the outcome, despite the 35 images on watercolor motif “Summer Storm” with you here It greets you from Vienna by Dolores (richly illustrated watercolor classes for immediate download)