
Main article: Appendix: List of main characters of Avatar: The Legend of Aang
Main article: Appendix: List of major characters of Avatar: The Legend of Aang
Main article: Appendix: List of minor characters of Avatar: The Legend of Aang
Aang – is the main character in the series. It is a child of 12 spirituality years (only biologically, chronologically is 112 years since it was frozen in an iceberg for 100 years) and has a tendency to get into trouble easily. Is the last remaining master air because he was supposedly the only survivor of the extermination of the Air Nomadas carried out by the army of the Lord of Fire Sozin (who also started the war) one hundred years ago. Aang’s destiny as the Avatar is to master the four elements: Air, Water, Earth and Fire. he prefers to seek adventure and fun at the same time saves the world from the domain of the Fire Nation. Although it is very spiritual, does not like to refer to him and “the mystic Avatar” or be the center of attention, just wants to be a normal kid. Raised by monks of the order of the masters of the air in a temple hidden in the mountains, Aang grows to love animals, especially his giant flying bison Appa and his winged lemur Momo. To despair of his companions, Katara and Sokka, keeps finding reasons to divert the course of his long journey, and is an expert on lead truly dangerous situations. Good thing too given the okay waged, single, of them. It has a romantic interest in Katara, leading to difficulties for the mission as titanica of Avatar Aang. In the first two chapters of the book even water is not known who is the Avatar (at least not explicitly so) for both the presentation of the program is not Aang on top of the mountain just before you see the name of the series . Of course not Aang appears to control air and riding his skateboard air. (Aang is not really bald, but their vows of a monk, you have to shave his head). In certain situations, and shows affection for Katara is a relationship that develops gradually, finally in the last episode of the series.
Katara – In its 14 years of long brown hair and blue eyes, is someone capable of great courage and never gives up. kabbalah His mother killed fire teachers, so the job of taking her mother to Sokka, Toph and Aang later. Teacher is the last of his tribe-Water from the south who, with his brother Sokka, Aang find an iceberg. She and her brother Sokka accompany him on his journey to defeat the Fire nation and thus bring peace to the world. It is a very capable teacher-water in the first and second season is trying to be the best teacher-water. Their next task is to teach Aang to be a master of water, for his condition Avatar. Achieving remarkable results. It is the best teacher “water, and the rest (of the tribe from the north) is concerned only with the healing. Katara is a sentimental relationship with implicit Aang. His main rival battle usually end up being Zuko, who repeatedly has dominated and defeated. You can see his breakthrough domination of water control in the book 3. One could say that Aang is in love with her, and she of him, sometimes he shows affection, you can see in the episode 2 of the book of earth and in the episode “The tape on the head,” Book 3 You can see that this jealous watching Aang Kabbalists dance with a girl from school. Besides Hamma (an old lady who teaches art Katara his revenge on the nation’s fire) is the only person who can use Blood-control, apparently only in full moon (Water-control). In the final episode kiss with Aang, showing the deep feelings that had led from the start.
Sokka – 16 years, this young warrior from the tribe of Southern Water, together with his sister Katara, accompanies Aang on his journey to defeat the Fire Lord. Unlike his colleagues, Sokka does not control any element, but does not consider his lack ofspecial skills as a limiting factor in your life. By contrast, believes that these powers are the cause that brought the world into conflict. He believes that only the skill and strength of the common people can defeat the Fire Nation. So far, support is given to the group as a guide, map reading, strategy, and relieves the tension with humor and sarcasm, but not emphasized in the battlefield. Later get a teacher who taught him everything they need to know a swordsman, Sokka and finally ends up being a disciple, and makes its own sword made from a meteorite that fell overnight, but lost along with his boomerang in the fight final Sokka has deep feelings The Light for the leader of the Kyoshi warriors Suki, and the two are a couple.
Toph – It’s a girl 12 years old, blind from birth, leaving all the comforts of home to accompany Aang on his journey and to teach Earth-control.

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For some, a walking tour: A day or two off, for others this means a 30-year project. meaning of life Mike Madden, a 58-year-old from Sandia Park, recently completed a 7500-mile project that had him sing travertine the United States, from Mexico to Canada, three times on three different routes.