Practica2. 1. List

Practica2. a Principal and Co-Founder of Ogden CAP Properties, LLC, a property management/development company is is an active member on a number of Boards, including the New York Presbyterian Hospital, Refugees International, UN Watch, The Seton hall University School of Diplomacy, the New York City Parks Foundation, the New York City Opera, and the American Hospital of Paris, where the nursing services have been named in her honor 1. List the search engines used in Latin America, along with logo highlighting the one you like, and justifying it. ALTAVISTA Opened in December 1995 Altavista has gained wide worldwide fame. It currently maintains in multiple versions of languages, including Spanish, which is accessible in Altavista in Spanish. LYCOS Lycos, which in Latin means wolf spider, has been operational since May 1994 and is one of the oldest search engines. Emphasizes the special search of images and sounds. They maintain a Spanish version.