Cooperation decided on May 23, 2009, at 16.00, s go in Frankfurt (Oder): the Frankfurt contest first home game Red cocks against the Leipzig Lions. Actually, nothing should go wrong, because the first pre-season games have won superiorly the Frankfurter. The players are highly motivated, the cheerleaders in tip-top condition, but it is missing something quite crucial: fans who cheer the team on. For this reason, the Association for cooperation with the new Internet portal has decided. The Portal provides information around the district oder spree. Goal is to provide news from throughout the county on a platform. There is also a calendar of events, in which all relevant actions are presented. Of course, clubs are present.
We are pleased to have a new media partner to page, stresses Andreas Lange, Member of the Board of the 1st AFV Frankfurt (Oder) Red cocks e.V.. The portal supports the Red cocks through active media relations: we are at the beginning of the season the Red cocks a special offer, as Artur Gonet, freelance journalist and Redaktionsverantwortlicher of the portal. It is presented the team offered a drawing action, interviews complete the offer. First and subsequent reports will be always the team around head coach Andreas Reichel in the Center. Also, photos of all home games will be presented in the own image gallery. Already after the first two home games, the response was very large, continues Gonet. Both pre-season games will be in its own red cocks gallery shows. Although this kind of sport in Germany is still relatively young, but more enthusiastic the American Sport can be gained through active cooperation. Club contact: 1.AFV Frankfurt (Oder) Red cocks e.V.