Hospital Universitario Central

Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias Central University Hospital of Asturias is a public hospital in general, being the reference SESPA Hospital. It also is the national reference unit for occupational respiratory diseases through its affiliated center National Institute of Silicosis. Founded in 1989, from the fusion of different hospitals in Oviedo, under the name of the Central Hospital of Asturias, taking its present name from the 1990 agreement with the University of Oviedo. Currently located at the west end of Oviedo. It consists of 17 buildings offering 1263 beds and 25 operating rooms among other facilities.

Triumph of the

Triumph of the talkies in February 1927, an agreement was signed by five major Hollywood producers-called Big Two, Paramount and MGM, as well as First National (once in the ranking of indutria along with Fox, but now decline), the medium-sized Universal, and the small but prestigious Producers Distributing Corporation (PDC) of Cecil B. DeMille-to collectively select a vendor only for sound conversion. The group of five then got comfortable and waited to see what kind of results proposed precursors. In May, Warner Bros. sold back its exclusive rights to ERPI (along with the sub-Fox-Case) and signed a new contract similar to Fox’s royalty for the use of technology from Western Electric.As Fox and Warners moved with sound films in different directions, both technologically and commercially-Fox with newsreels and later music dramas, the Warner-talkies so did ERPI, who sought gain strong market with five major allies. All movies sound great sensations of the year took advantage of existing celebrities. On 20 May 1927, in New York’s Roxy Theater, Fox Movietone made a sound film of the takeoff of the famous flight of Charles Lindbergh to Paris, recorded earlier that day. In June, a Fox sound newsreel is shown presenting his welcome back to New York and Washington, DC.These were the two most acclaimed sound films to date. Also in May, Fox released the first Hollywood film with synchronized dialogue fiction: the short’re Coming to Get Me, starring the Cimic Chic Sale. 23 After a few successful reissue of silent films as The Seventh Heaven, with recorded music, Fox got its first original film Movietone September 23: Dawn, by acclaimed German director FW Murnau. As with Don Juan, the soundtrack of the film was composed of music and sound effects (including in a couple of scenes full of people, conversations, not specific). Then, on 6 October 1927, was released The Jazz Singer, Warner Bros..It was a hit at the box office for the study of medium size, earning a total of 2.625 million in the United States and abroad, nearly a million dollars more than the previous record for a Warners film. Produced with the Vitaphone system, most of the movie contains no audio was recorded live, depending, as Dawn and Don Juan, his music and sound effects. When the star of the film, Al Jolson, singing, however, the film switches to sound recorded on set, including both musical performances and two scenes-one impromptu speech Jolson’s character, Jakie Rabinowitz (Jack Robin), addressing the audience in a nightclub, the other an exchange of views between him and his mother.Although the success of The Jazz Singer was due largely to Jolson, already established as one of the largest U.S. music stars and their limited use of synchronized sound hardly qualified as an innovative sound film (but as the ” first “), the considerable benefits were sufficient proof that the industry was worth investing in technology. The development of commercial sound cinema had progressed in fits and starts before The Jazz Singer, and the success of the film did not change things from night to morning. It was not until May 1928 that the four main reluctant (PDC had left the alliance), along with United Artists and others signed with ERPI for the conversion of production facilities and theaters for sound film.Initially, all theaters wired ERPI Vitaphone were made compatible with the majority were equipped to project Movietone reels as well. Even with access to both technologies, however, most Hollywood companies remained slow to produce talkies own. No study besides Warner Bros. premiered a film or sound parts until the little Film Booking Offices of America (FBO) Perfect Crime opened on 17 June 1928, eight months after The Jazz Singer. FBO had fallen under the effective control of a competitor of Western Electric, General Electric’s RCA division, which was seeking to market its new sound-on-film, Photophone. Unlike the Fox-Case Movietone and De Forest Phonofilm, which were variable-density systems, Photophone was a system of variable-area refinement in the way the audio signal was recorded on film that finally became the rule.(In both systems, a specially designed lamp, exposing the celluloid which is determined by the audio input is used to record sound photographically as a series of tiny lines.


The banking instability in Venezuela is influenced mainly by the lack of political stability, all or most banks only give loans to the government sector and participated as a body of customs revenue, however, all banks since 1839 lasted until 1882 ephemeral. Many of these banks were allowed the minting and circulation of notes and coins The first attempt to establish a trade bank in Venezuela, the national capital in 1825 happens to be founded under the name Banco de Venezuela, however not could carry out the proposal. A year later he presented the “Project Revenge, a national bank for the Gran Colombia (now Colombia, Ecuador, Panama and Venezuela) whose headquarters would be located in Bogota and would open 4 branches initially in Caracas, Cartagena, Guayaquil City Panama, like the case of Banco de Venezuela, 1825, failed to finish the project.Founded in 1839 by William Ackers the first bank in Venezuela although foreign capital, the British Colonial Bank which was led by Leandro de Miranda, son of Francisco de Miranda, ceased operations in 1848. Ackers gets together with other investors and the Venezuelan state (by 20 of the shares) the National Bank of Venezuela which would serve as cancellation of customs revenue and national budget and eases discounts and deposits. But in 1850 the same fate that the British Colonial and closes. 1861 is stable for a bank called Banco de Venezuela (no relation to the present) that would accomplish only one year of service after failing bank policies that were outlined.Under the name of Banco Caracas try four times to establish commercial banking institutions in the country, pushing a failed attempt in 1838 to establish a bank, the Banco de Caracas born first but 1862 would be liquidated in 1863, later to be founded and settled by other banks with that name between 1876-1877, 1877-1879 and 1879-1883. Once settled the last of those was called Banco Caracas founded the Commercial Bank, which managed to consolidate and grow up to become Bank of Venezuela in 1890 still exists.

Health Center in

Health Center in Spain In Spain, the CAP is made up of the core health professionals (family doctor, pediatrician and nurse) and administrative staff. However, it is increasingly common to find other professionals (social worker, midwife, dentist, psychologist, psychiatrist, rheumatologist, etc.). That are expanding the range of services offered at health centers, although their contributions in discussion primary care. A doctor refers to a smaller health structure, usually located in a village and less professional. At least it makes up a rural doctor. One or several clinics often rely organizationally a reference health center. In Spain is considered an outpatient clinic where the work several medical specialties, general practitioners and exceptionally.In a Spanish health center there is usually a reception service or reception of citizens who come to the CAP or directed to the same telephone or online. This service gives direct satisfaction to specific demands, as may be delivery and collection of documentation, information, etc., or program to view the different professionals who provide services in the CS. Usually in the CAP there are queries or offices for various professional services offered, there may also be areas for extraction of blood samples for analysis, urgent care area with appropriate equipment (car priests, electrocardiograph, material for oxygen, defibrillator, medication emergency, etc.)..

Discuss the premieres of Wednesday, 28 ocutubre

Close your eyes DIRECTOR Elias Querejeta ACTORS Maribel Verd Bethlehem Laguna SYNOPSIS Ana is a journalist who, for his work, he has traveled many different places around the world. Since his teens, influenced by his father, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its contents have given a place from which to observe the individual and collective behavior of human development. It is also an expert in the use of new technologies of communication. That, coupled with its effort to improve human relations, leads him to set a document to give notice of the terrible violations of human rights. Honeymoons (honeymoon) DIRECTOR Goran Paskaljevic ACTORS Nebojsa Milovanovic, Jelena Trkulja, Petar Bozovic, Lazar Ristovski, Jozef Shiroka, Mirela Naska Bujar Lako, Yllka Mujo SYNOPSIS In the hope of a better life, two couples leave their respective countries. Melinda and Nik traveling to Italy from Albania to live freely prohibited relationship. Vera and Mark, for its part, leaving Serbia and across Hungary towards Austria. Marko, a cellist of considerable talent, have the opportunity to enter the Vienna Philharmonic. But at the border, and despite having the appropriate visa, the problems begin. Due to an unfortunate series of coincidences, are arrested. The hope that had sheltered to realize their dreams in Europe for them, the Promised Land “is gone.As so often happens to young Balkan states, are forced to pay for the mistakes of the previous generation. Cooking with Stella (Cooking with Stella) DIRECTOR Dilip Mehta ACTORS Don McKellar, Lisa Ray, Seema Biswas, Shriya Saran, Vansh Bhardwaj, Maury Chaykin, Shriya Saran, Alexian Perreault SYNOPSIS A friendly social satire about a Canadian diplomat and her husband, chef Michael, who have gone to New Delhi. In reaching this city, they inherit all the servants who work in what will be your new home. Leading the team is the cook: charming and attractive woman-but also full of tricks-which is called Stella. The last thing you imagine Michael, when Stella offers to become her mentor in the arts of traditional Indian cuisine, is that women have hatched a plan. Spanish Hollywood DIRECTOR Ramon Colom, Paul Luxurious ACTORS Antonio Banderas, Fernando Trueba, Inocencio Arias, Bigas Luna, Ignacio Darnaude, Fernando Bovaira, Jos Luis Garci, Jos Luis Borau SYNOPSIS Hollywood has always winning talent. Sometimes he has encountered at home and others had to cross the Atlantic to find him. Professionals from all countries have sought an opportunity in the city of Los Angeles. Want to know what role they have played in the Spanish colony of aspirants to succeed ‘English US Hollywood’ looks at the history of the Spanish in the Mecca of cinema, from early silent film actors as Antonio Moreno, Conchita Montenegro to professionals with more projection in the mecca of cinema. 15/03/09 The last offensive DIRECTOR Y igo Juan Carrascal, Jos Luis Sanz Rodriguez ACTORS Felipe Gonzalez, Mauricio Funes, Alfredo Cristiani, scar Arias, Manuel Alc ntara, Salvador Samayoa, Hector Dada, Horacio Castellanos SYNOPSIS For twelve years was held in El Salvador a fratricidal war.


I AM REJECTING MY KIDNEY …….. KB Adriana’s comment motivated me to write this new entry. Perhaps one of the worst phrases that a transplant patient can hear from their doctors is: “you already have a chronic rejection. No doubt only imagine that this wonderful life he has given us the transplant can be completed and also returned to visualize that state where we were before the surgery, dying to feel alive. The word future gradually fades from our vocabulary and thoughts. I remember very well when they told me this phrase in 1984.That same year, shortly after my only sister died and for the same reason: she received a kidney transplant, rejected a month and remained on hemodialysis until four years in the 1984, died. The news that started an irreversible process in my rejection of the transplanted kidney that had me 7 years before was devastating for me, because I immediately thought to go the way of my sister and I made a decision much more difficult to master for my parents for me to concretize that I bought a plane ticket to Europe and told my parents that if I was going to die, he preferred to go through to enjoy travel, how sad, at home and waiting for the moment. I did not buy return ticket, I was 22 and I left home. Three months for taking me sick fasting drugs and was hospitalized 15 days in Helsinki, Finland.Finally at 11 months I became very ill and hospitalized me again two weeks in Kfar Saba, a town 45 minutes from Tel Aviv in Israel. Emergency hemodialysis me there eight times to get fit to travel and I was ordered back to Mexico. When I returned, I removed the kidney and my illusion that it would last forever. Then I reopened it had been formed by clots, internal bleeding and left me open to review the progress of healing. A month later I did the worst and most serious intervention quir gica of my life: I took the pericardium in open heart surgery when he suffered a cardiac arrest and respiratory sent me three days unconscious in intensive care.Of course when I got home I was sure he would soon die. However on 10 July 1986, eight months after heart surgery, I received a second renal transplant, and soon he again changed my world and I was blessed a second time to fully live another 13 years. When in 1999 I rejected the second transplant and everything was different. Now I was sure it was something easy, like changing a battery to a radio when it is finished. And I decided to go for my third transplant. At this time I did not feel sad or thought I would die. I spent eight very long years attached to the hemodialysis machine with cosecuente deterioration of my body and my energy.But everything changed again on 25 April 2007, when for the third time I received a kidney transplant from a cadaveric source.

Biography The

Biography The building of Channel 7 in Buenos Aires, designed by Rafael Vinoly. Born in Montevideo, son of the director and cinematographer Roman Vinoly Barreto and Maria Beceiro math teacher. He attended the University of Buenos Aires, receiving his degree in architecture in 1968, and subsequently held a Master of Architecture, School of Architecture and Urbanism in 1969. Already in 1964 created the architectural firm with six partners, soon become one of the largest studies of South America. In 1978, Vi oly and his family emigrated to the United States. For a short time gives lectures at the Harvard Graduate School of Design, and permanently set in New York in 1979. Rafael Vinoly Architects PC Case in 1983. His first major project was the John Jay College of Professional Justice, completed in 1988. In 1989 he won an international competition to design the Tokyo International Forum, completed in 1996, many consider the most important cultural center of Japan.He was also a finalist in the competition to rebuild the World Trade Center. During his long career, Vi oly has designed buildings around the world. It has offices in London, Los Angeles, Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Bahrain. Rafael Vi oly is a member of the American Institute of Architects, an international member of the Royal Institute of British Architects, a member of the Japan Institute of Architects and the Central Society of Architects.

Stroke Fox

Stroke Fox debuted at the age of 16 in Holiday in the Sun as the spoiled heiress Brianna Wallace and rival of Alex Stewart (Ashley Olsen). This film was released straight to DVD on 20 November 2001. In 2002, Fox he achieved the title role of Ione Star in the TV series Ocean Ave The series lasted two seasons, from 2002 to 2003, Fox appeared in 122 episodes, lasting an hour each. also performed as an extra in Bad Boys II in 2003. Fox in the seventh annual awards Disclosure of Hollywood Life magazine. Also in 2002, appeared as a guest star in the program What I Like About You, in the episode “Like a Virgin (Kinda).” In 2004, Fox starred in the episode “Caramel Filters and Pheromones” Two and Series A Half Men. The same year, he debuted on the big screen in Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, co-starring Lindsay Lohan.In this film, Fox played a secondary role as Carla Santi’s rival Lola (Lindsay Lohan). Then he landed a recurring role on ABC sitcom, Hope Faith, where Sydney Shanowski incarnated as Nicole Paggi replacement in the role. In 2006 the series was canceled due to bad reviews, Fox appeared in 36 episodes from seasons two and three. In 2007, he won the main female role of Mikaela Banes in Transformers action movie, based on the franchise of toys and cartoons of the same name. Fox played the love interest of Shia LaBeouf protagonist.She was nominated for an MTV Movie Award in the category “Actress” and three Teen Choice Award in the categories of Best Actress in action adventure “,” Actress “and” Best lips. ” Fox signed a contract to appear in two more sequels to the Transformers series. In June 2007, she joined a small role with the cast of the film How to Lose Friends Alienate People, starring Jeff Bridges, Simon Pegg and Kirsten Dunst.He incarnated Sophie Maes, the love interest of Sydney Young (Simon Pegg), this film premiered on October 3 next year and was a box office flop, grossing only 17 million dollars, compared with 28 million that were invested in his shooting. In 2008, he appeared with Rumer Willis in Whore, the role of Lost, film which premiered on October 20 of that year. In 2009, Fox played the lead role of Jennifer’s Body, written by Oscar-winning screenwriter, Diablo Cody. He incarnated as Jennifer Check, a young cheerleader cursed by a demonic possession that begins to devour young men in a town in Minnesota, her best friend , Needy (Amanda Seyfried) tries to break the curse before it’s too late.This film was released on 18 September 2009, other movie star with whom Fox was Adam Brody shared the stage. Fox returned to her role as Mikaela Banes in the sequel of Transformers, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen . During this time, there was some controversy over Fox because the film’s director, Michael Bay, ordered the actress to increase ten pounds. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen was released on 24 June 2009 and so far has proved more successful than its predecessor. In April 2009, Fox began filming Jonah Hex, which plays Leila, Jonah’s love interest. Currently, the film is in production and will be launched on 18 June 2010. Actors Josh Brolin and Will Arnett and the same Fox, described their participation in the film as a cameo. In early April, signed a contract to play the female lead in The Crossing, a film that will be released in 2011 and is in pre-production.In March of that year, Variety magazine reported that Fox would play Aspen Matthews to in a film adaptation of comic books, Fathom, who co-produce film with Brian Austin Green, who is currently in a state of pre – production.

Encuentro de Empresarios

On July 19, 2008 the III Meeting of successful companies in the college of counters from Trujillo. This activity is organized by the School of entrepreneurs DA BUSSINES Leonardo da Vinci Institute submitted to our company Taisun Peru as part of a group of entrepreneurs invited. Following a conference on our beginnings dynamics and productivity of the resources with which we produce our raw material rewarded our efforts on developing industry of fish skins. The Peruvian Congressman of the Republic congratulated Dr. Alberto Escudero Casquin development and sustainability of our business awarded recognition as a successful venture 2008. The theme of this meeting was aimed at entrepreneurs, college students and professionals and thus extend the concept of how to apply good corporate governance, marketing and marketing to foreign markets. WAS NTE

Speaking here

Speaking here of the unfortunate Louis Arroyo mentioned another young gallant who also found a premature end to his existence, Mario Berriatua. We found him in a brief but emotional role in ‘Race’ (Jose Luis Saenz de Heredia, 1941), where, as a boy of sixteen he had to deal with the responsibility of starring solo several planes of the film, to be responsible some of the most vibrant lines of dialogue that had to baste Saenz de Heredia and Antonio Roman on the delusional argument of dictator Francisco Franco.