Play Station
Sony is one of those marks recognized anywhere of the world. It is difficult to think about some home that does not have or has had a Sony equipment. This causes that everywhere of the world they exist service and the sale premises. For Sony Mendoza also it is an important point. But before commenting the options to them that we have in the Argentine province, we review a little the history of the company. Sony was founded the 7 of May of 1946 and is one of the greatest companies of the world.
Dedicated to the heading of the electric home appliances, audio and the entertainment, Sony it is a company leader in the market. They began repairing radios, but soon they designed an electrical pot to cook rice. From they initiated a meteoric race of manufacture that includes digital televisions, equipment of audio, cameras and consoles of entertainment like Sega there or the present Play Station. Throughout the world, Sony is synonymous of quality. Although the equipment is not of cheapest usually they have a great fidelity and most important of everything it is that they maintain in operation beyond the time.
It is why when one of these equipment suffers a flaw extremely turns out appropriate to repair them. rtise in this. It is that Sony is not as other marks that when their equipment is deteriorated their proprietors usually consider very seriously if he is not advisable to buy one new one. Many people to have a Sony equipment are synonymous of pride. This happens to which owns for example a Sony Vaio one of best laptops of the market, as much by its speed as by its benefits. Of a time to this part the luxury and the elegance have moved to laptops. Formerly having rolex, for example, was synonymous of distinction between the businessmen.